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Refund policy

Refund Policy


we believe in the quality and reliability of our products and services. We strive every day to ensure your satisfaction and bring a smile to your face through our offerings. However, we understand that challenges may arise, and we are more than willing to provide a refund if you are not happy with your purchase or encounter issues that make the system unusable.


How to Request a Refund:

To initiate a refund request, please make a note of your transaction order ID with the subject: “Request and Refund.” In your email, describe the issues you are facing and the reasons for your request. In some cases, we may request additional information or provide evidence of our efforts to address the concerns.


Refunds are not provided immediately for technical issues. We request the opportunity to adequately try to solve and assist you. If the issue remains unresolved within 48 hours, a refund will be processed.

Refunds can only be requested within 72 hours of the purchase date. After this period, no refunds will be processed.

For payments made using credit cards, refunds are generally processed, and funds are returned to the customer's bank account within 20 to 31 working days. However, there may be cases where a refund takes up to 90 days. We are not responsible for these time frames and delays as we are the IPTV service provider, not the payment processor.

Complete refunds are only applicable for purchases made within the 72-hour window. Refund requests beyond this period will be processed partially based on the remaining subscription period. Our support team will contact users in all refund cases.



Every refund typically takes 5 to 10 working days to process, and we do our best to expedite this process. However, the duration is beyond our control, and our payment processors handle refund requests.

We Will Not Send Refunds or Make Partial Refund If:


·        User Setup Issues:

We will provide our best support to setup their boxes, devices, apps and system in all cases of assistance request. The reason is we don’t know about the circumstances with the box, devices and system etc. our support is limited to pre-defined steps for configurations of devices.

·        Channel Issues:

Some channels may experience temporary freezing, buffering, or downtime due to various reasons. These issues are typically transient and caused by factors such as internet fluctuations, customer setup, ISP problems, or server-side channel downtime. Our expert engineers are always working to fix them.

·        Server Downtime Compensation:

In cases where users are unable to access their IPTV subscription plan for 48 hours or more due to server issues or other problems caused by us, we will either provide a complete refund of the package price or add the lost time to your subscription for free, along with additional bonuses that can be negotiated.

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